Friday, September 16, 2011

bath powder

Fizzy bath powder is the alternative to the shipping, shaping, etc..issues of the,bath bomb. Fizzy bath powder contains the same ingredients. It's. Much easier to sprinklepowder in the water and and watch the colors fizz while stepping in the water for a moisture experience



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

bath bomb shipping

I am now seeing that people are havin trouble recieving their bath bombs intact...they are being told that they have the same useable product. both sides r understandable...u still get ur moisture in the bath..but aaah u dont want to open a bag of crumbs when u ordered a pretty bomb from the site??????????????

Sunday, September 11, 2011


that time of year again, time for us to get rid of the dry, chapped, and sunburned skin we collected during the summer.Body scrubs and body butters time

I use the eucalyptus salt scrubs
or exfoliating gloves and body butter check out


get this bar of mango body butter soap free,at